# Areas

# GeoJSON format

GeoGuess uses GeoJSON format to specify maps where you are playing.

In FeatureCollection > Feature<Polygon>

# Area Details

A feature must have one property.

      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "name": "New York",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",

# Areas list

You can add your custom area mode to the homepage in the JSON file on the Github Maps Repo, under areas.

    "name": string | object,
    "description": string | object,
    "author":  string,
    "imageUrl": urlString (width = 500 & heigth = 230),
    "data": AreasModeObject

# AreasModeObject

    "data": {
        "urlArea": urlGeoJSON,
        "bbox": Array<Number>,
        "pathKey": string,
        "type": "nominatim" | "polygon" ,
  • urlArea: url of the areas GeoJSON

  • pathKey: path of the property key

    • Examples :

          "type": "Feature",
          "properties": {
              "name": "New York", // 'name'
                  "name": "New York", // "state.name"
  • bbox (optional): bounding box of the area mode. Player aren't allow to play outside.

# Type: nominatim

Use Reverse Geocoding of Nominatim.org, to determine the area of the random latitude, longitude.

  1. Define query params of the request with nominatimQueryParams
    `https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?lat=${latLng.lat()}&lon=${latLng.lng()}&format=json&${new URLSearchParams(nominatimQueryParams)}`
  1. Get the key in the response with nominatimResultPath

    You can define fallback with nominatimFallbackResultPath


"nominatimQueryParams": {
  "zoom": "5",
  "addressdetails": "1",
  "accept-language": "en"
"nominatimResultPath": "address.state",

# Type: polygon

Check if the random location is in the GeoJson Feature<Polygon> automatically.

"data": {
   "urlArea": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GeoGuess/GeoGuess-Maps/main/areas/continents.json",
   "pathKey": "continent",
   "type": "polygon"

# Example

  "name": "Mexico States",
  "description": "",
  "author": "BilelJegham, angelnmara",
  "data": {
     "bbox": [-118.366000,14.534700,-86.723700,32.718200],
     "urlArea": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GeoGuess/GeoGuess-Maps/main/public/geojson/areas/mexico_states.geojson",
     "type": "nominatim",
     "pathKey": "name",
     "nominatimResultPath": "address.state",
     "nominatimFallbackResultPath": "display_name",
     "nominatimQueryParams": {
        "zoom": "5",
        "accept-language": "es"